Evelyn Community Gardens, Deptford 12th October. Again, it was all poorly advertised but nevertheless I got 6 persons down who enthusiastically got involved. We grafted apples and pears mainly with members of the group giving generously and taking away a fruit tree. In fact, I have to thank the Irish contingency for this for they were all, and it reminded me of that wet, green island that has a magic all of itself. Likewise thanks to Susan who provided food and drinks including fresh SLP olive oil with bread, and roasted vegetables, chestnuts, and fish on the open fire.
A follow-up course will run in March when I will be using plum and cherry rootstocks; information will duly follow. But even as late as November I quickly cut back a load of blackthorn (Sloe berry) and grafted something like 6 varieties of plums, apricots, and peaches to this overgrow shrub in the corner of the garden. I will wait to see next next if the joins have taken. Even with one success I would have gained something extra from the experience, and this I hope is what those attendees took back with them. Check out Diary of Events to see when the next course is running.