January - April 2016. [Original advertisement] Please enquire to the editor for more details. Vacancies are open for cyclists and helpers at any stage in the journey. The route has yet to be decided too. Expecting to leave end of year for a three month trip from Catalonia to the coast of West Africa. Sponsorship is also welcome as is making the journey a cultural enterprise.
I will be celebrating food and the need for consciousness raising. Further input is welcome, especially places where I could give talks and entertain the people. I expect to make a video publication from this, but if anybody out there has another motive then let me know. Join us for part of the journey or GO THE FULL WAY. Get involved now and voice your intentions. Right-click the images to download a copy if you want to print the poster and distribute it. Else REGISTER at our sister website Solteriologic Garden or email me. Please sponsor our group or donate and welcome us into your villages and halls.
In order to make this journey worthwhile we need contacts along the route. B & B is optional, generally this will be an outdoor experience in tents and hammocks, campfires and fresh food. The journey details can be found at my Facebook community page in photo and video form and is also now being published in journal format in instalments. See 'Publications' on our Market page.